Our equity management activities are run by a team of professional investment managers. Collectively, the team has among them a vast experience in local, regional and international markets. Our Asset Management is a recognized leader in investment management and wealth planning. Our goals are to provide great risk-adjusted returns and exceptional service to every one of our clients. We serve clients the way they want to be served” captures our attitude towards client service. Some clients want to be actively involved—others don’t. Some enjoy regular face-to-face meetings, while others prefer e-mail updates.
Our team at Al-Dahiya Investment Company prides itself on providing truly exceptional service to every one of our clients. How do we measure that? High client retention rate. The number of clients who have been with us for 10, 15 and 20+ years, including multiple generations in the same family. The fact that our greatest source of new client referrals is our existing clients. Recognition in national and financial press and prominence in industry rankings. These are all important, but what exceptional service means is really quite personal, and that’s defined by each client.